Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Scent of Thailand

One of my delicious discoveries in Thailand was when I came across a Harrnn & Thann boutique. The scents wafting through the store encapsulated what Thailand smells like to me (the good smells at least!). Lemongrass, lavender, & jasmine scented candles and oils are often lit in our apartment. They rejuvenate me when I'm feeling down and are a warm reminder of my time spent there.

This month save 25% of Harnn & Thann's Jasmine and cymbopogon collections. Also receive free shipping in US on all orders over $80.

Jasmine Intensive Body Moisturizer

Oriental Herbs Shampoo

Oriental Essence Scented Candle (Hints of Lemongrass)

Lavender Shampoo!

Aromatic Wood Essential Oil


  1. Oh, I loved Thann! One of the highlights of our life in Bangkok was using their products to scent our apartment-- we used the aromatic wood oil in our bedroom, a minty bath wash, and local scents like lemongrass for our guest soaps. There are many reasons I'd love to go back to Bangkok, but stocking up on some new Thann products is definitely a compelling one... -X

  2. OMG Lavender shampoo! I LOVE THIS IDEA.


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